Tag Archives: writer


M published a book! She calls it a sexy thriller, whatever that means. This is what it looks like:

Spierballen en Satijn cover

I like the story, it is an exciting one. But there is something I find rather shocking: there is no dog in it! Not one single dog. They talk about dogs, in just one part of the story, but that is it. How is this possible? I really, really have to have a serious conversation with M.

I am a nice, good dog, so of course I will recommend reading this book. Of course. And also because otherwise she won’t feed me my dinner tonight. This is where to get it (the book, not the dinner):


How to become a blogger

A dog I met on the beach asked me how she can be a successful blogger, just like me. She was not the first dog to ask me, so I decided to write a post on how to become a blogger.

It is not very difficult, you know. Anyone can do it! There are a few elements for a successful blog. First the technical stuff. That is easy: just start a blog at WordPress, like this one. Or with another company that offers this service. Add some nice pictures to it, I am sure you already have loads of them. If not, ask your human. Humans tend to take pictures of everything they love, which means: you.


What is most important for a successful blog is the content. That is why readers will come to your blog, because you have something to tell them! It can be anything. Your musings on interesting topics like foxes, funny stories about your friends and – my favorite – stories about your adventures.  It is good to have adventures often, so you can share them with your readers! Of course you are already searching for fun experiences, because they give you joy. Now you have another reason to do so, because you can blog about them. What a splendid reason to go searching for fun things!

The next thing of course is the writing. Do not get too nervous about that. Hey, you are a dog, nobody will expect your writing to be flawless. I’ve discovered that the blogging community is a huge, friendly pack of likeminded creatures, who love to read and write and share their adventures. Your dog readers won’t mind some mistakes, if they’ll even notice, and your human readers will think it astonishing that you can write anyway. They do not suspect dogs can write,  humans can be so narrow minded…. Your readers will like your blog regardless of some mistakes now and then, so no worries about that. Just start writing and see how far you’ll get.

You will need access to one of these luminous devices humans call computers. If your human supports your blogging ambitions you can use his/hers. If she/he is not: wait until you are home alone. Being a narrow minded human they will never think you use their computer – when they find out is has been used they will probably blame the kids or their partner. You just need to put on your ‘it-wasn’t-me-face’ in case they look at you. I am sure you are very good at that face, every dog is.

I will tell all this to the dog who asked me on the beach. She is a labrador, so she will probably want to start a food blog. That should be fun to read! It won’t have many items on how to prepare fancy dishes, I guess, because labs tend to wolf down anything that is even remotely edible. But you never know. She might surprise us. Happy blogging to her!