
I forgot to tell you: last weekend we went camping and we made some nice walks. Including one walk with my friend Swieb! Actually his real name is Swiebertje, but as a true friend I am allowed to call him Swieb.

Like me, Swieb is an expat. I am from Greece, he came from Spain. As a consequence, he does not like the cold Dutch weather. So his human bought him a sweater!

Yes, you may laugh. I laugh at him a lot when he wears this. He can handle it, he is cool.

Swieb is also very lazy:

And I mean really, really lazy:

But not last weekend, when we went for a walk. We chased through the forest and the sandy dunes, following our noses and enjoying the lovely smells of rabbits, foxes and deer. We had a good time. Alas there are no pictures of us chasing foxes, we were too fast for the camera! But it is true, we did run. You will be amazed how fast Swieb can go on his stubby legs.
Don’t tell him I called his legs stubby. He will not talk to me for at least a year, when he hears that. Must be his male Spanish ego.


I just returned from a weekend camping with M. It was great! We camped in the middle of the woods:

We made some nice long walks, the countryside is awesome:

It is still winter here, you know, and we had all sorts of weather. A cold wind, there was snow and hail and fierce sunshine:

It was kind of cold, but we don’t mind that. Ha! We are tough cookies. And we have a heater in the van. In the evening I slept in the cosy warmth and M ate hot soup made of peas – very Dutch soup, that is:

The next day we made another long walk. We encountered some rather strange animals:

I had a great weekend. I love camping! I hope you had an awesome weekend too.