The strangest thing

M did the strangest thing…. we were out in our garden, as we often are. Then M is tending the plants and I am sniffing for cats. But this time M took her gardening tools and began to dig. Not just dig up one plant, like she sometimes does, but ALL the plants!

She did not stop until all the plants were out of our garden and in big boxes.

I find this amazing. I mean: I like digging, but I am not allowed to dig in our garden. Of course this does not mean I never dig – I have some secret projects in the garden M doesn’t know of. But anyway, I thought digging was prohibited. Until now, apparently!

M drove away with all the plants and returned with…. other plants! She put them in our garden, which is now looking like this:

She told me I am not allowed to dig in this bed, nor in any other part of the garden. That is not fair! Why would she go on digging when ever she feels like it, and forbid me to do the same? I do not understand it, either. The plants she put in our garden smell different, they smell like our new garden. I can sense foxes and rabbits and cats – the cats of our neighbors there. Why did M move the plants? It greatly puzzles me.

Big Guardening

Sorry you have not heard from me for a while. I have been very busy exploring our new garden! M and P finally took me with them in their many visits to our new home. The new home is practically a building site now, we do not live there yet. It will take some months before we move, M told me. That means I have two houses and gardens to guard! A big responsibility.

I am very exited about our new place. The garden is huge! I have a very nice garden now, no complaints, but the new garden is much grander. It is an estate, for me to guard!

This is it, the front yard:

There is a back yard too:

I already discovered some very exciting things in our new garden. I found shit smelling of fox! Great, there are foxes for me to hunt there! I love that, foxes are my absolute number one chasing targets. I do hope I will get the change to chase one, soon.

Anyway, you will understand that guardening all this will take a lot of time and effort. Maybe I won’t be able to blog in the time to come. But when I have exiting news to bring you, I certainly will. For instance when I caught a fox! That would be nice.