Tag Archives: garden


I have a huge estate to guard. This is our fence:

And this is me, patrolling the fence:

I just want to state that guarding this domain is a big responsibility and I do not take that lightly. I mean: I put a lot of effort in guarding it properly.

So I am not at all amused by humans who walk by and say “doggie” to me, or even worse: sweet or cute little doggie. I want to make it clear, for once and for all, that I am NOT sweet and certainly not cute! Especially when I am guarding our domain. I am a ferocious guarding dog!!!
Humans can be outright stupid sometimes.


I am really glad we moved to a house with a large garden, because I discovered I love guardening. You know: guarding a big estate and helping M out in the garden. I can do both at the same time, of course. It is easy!

B helpt in de tuin

M is very pleased with my guardening capabilities. I know this, because when I help her she pushes me around a bit, teasing me. Which means she is happy and would like to play with me if she would have time. But she has not, because she is gardening. She is so busy in the garden that sometimes I help her with the hard work. She is really pleased with that, telling me things like ‘now look what you’ve done!’. By which she actually means ‘thank you for digging such a big hole, large enough for me to put this plant in!’

Did I mention that humans can be a bit confusing in their communication? They say one thing and mean something else. For me this is not a problem, I understand them. But we dogs don’t do this, we are very straightforward. I have the impression that if humans would do this too, there would be a lot less problems in the world. Between humans, that is. But that is not my concern, of course. I am busy guardening!

Leaving my marks

As I told you in earlier posts, we are going to move house. The house is not finished yet, but M tells me we are moving soon. I am looking forward to it! It has a big garden for me to guard. I can’t wait to chase all the squirrels, rabbits and foxes out of it. There are some juicy cats living in the neighborhood, too. It will be fun!

We are at the new place almost every weekend. M and P work in the garden and I investigate the place. I am busy leaving my marks. Verbally, by barking really loud at humans and animals walking by. Hey, everyone should know we are going to live here! It will be my task to keep intruders out. It is important that everybody knows they will encounter a ferocious guarding dog if they step over the fence:

I am also leaving my marks in a visual kind of way. One can never be too shy on these matters, you know. It is very important to show this space is occupied, by a huge dog (with big feet).


This is a time full of surprises. We are in the new garden a lot and it turns out M loves sticks just as much as I do! I never knew that…

She digs and saws and hacks and pulls at shrubs and little trees.

We play with the sticks and then she does the most wonderful thing: she piles them up very high! It is like a wall, made of sticks.

That is nice! It means I will have an endless collection of sticks to play with when ever I feel like it. Awesome.

The strangest thing

M did the strangest thing…. we were out in our garden, as we often are. Then M is tending the plants and I am sniffing for cats. But this time M took her gardening tools and began to dig. Not just dig up one plant, like she sometimes does, but ALL the plants!

She did not stop until all the plants were out of our garden and in big boxes.

I find this amazing. I mean: I like digging, but I am not allowed to dig in our garden. Of course this does not mean I never dig – I have some secret projects in the garden M doesn’t know of. But anyway, I thought digging was prohibited. Until now, apparently!

M drove away with all the plants and returned with…. other plants! She put them in our garden, which is now looking like this:

She told me I am not allowed to dig in this bed, nor in any other part of the garden. That is not fair! Why would she go on digging when ever she feels like it, and forbid me to do the same? I do not understand it, either. The plants she put in our garden smell different, they smell like our new garden. I can sense foxes and rabbits and cats – the cats of our neighbors there. Why did M move the plants? It greatly puzzles me.

Big Guardening

Sorry you have not heard from me for a while. I have been very busy exploring our new garden! M and P finally took me with them in their many visits to our new home. The new home is practically a building site now, we do not live there yet. It will take some months before we move, M told me. That means I have two houses and gardens to guard! A big responsibility.

I am very exited about our new place. The garden is huge! I have a very nice garden now, no complaints, but the new garden is much grander. It is an estate, for me to guard!

This is it, the front yard:

There is a back yard too:

I already discovered some very exciting things in our new garden. I found shit smelling of fox! Great, there are foxes for me to hunt there! I love that, foxes are my absolute number one chasing targets. I do hope I will get the change to chase one, soon.

Anyway, you will understand that guardening all this will take a lot of time and effort. Maybe I won’t be able to blog in the time to come. But when I have exiting news to bring you, I certainly will. For instance when I caught a fox! That would be nice.

No kidding!

I have some very exciting news. Maybe you have noticed that I did not go on a long holiday, what we usually do in July. M tells me we will not go on a holiday this summer because she and P are busy with a new house. We are going to move house! Next winter we will move to a new place, she tells me.

That is exciting as it is, of course. It means I have an new territory to explore, new smells and neighbours and all that. But what is even more exciting: this new house has a big garden. An estate for me to guard! I do not know what it looks like yet, I’ll post some pics as soon as I get there. It must be huge. Maybe there will even be some foxes and rabbits trespassing! I do hope that. I’ll keep you posted!

Garden adventures

In my last post I wrote about the work I do in the garden: guardening. But that is not the only thing I do out there. You see: we have a very nice garden. It is not a huge estate, but it is big enough to do several fab things. I like to sunbathe on the terrace. And investigate the plants:

Sometimes I bring Chuck out in the garden. Chuck is my prey. He stays indoors most of the time, the poor bastard. I know he is a little afraid to go out, begin a chicken and all that, but I think it is important for him to be in the Great Outdoors now and then. The garden is just what he can handle, so that is fine. I am sure he is grateful to me, for bringing him out into the fresh air.

There is something else I do in the garden, but that is a secret. No one knows, not even M, so please do not tell her. I would like to show it to you, though, because adventures tend to get even more exciting when shared. This is it, my Secret Project:

I am digging a tunnel! To… well, I do not exactly know where to. I guess I’ll find out when I get there.

You see: our garden is a great place to be!


We have been out in the garden a lot recently. M has been working with the plants en bushes, making it all look pretty. She likes doing that. My task is to guard our property, so no cat or pigeon will enter it. Nor foxes nor rabbits, although I would like to chase a trespassing fox out of our garden! Alas, there are no smells of foxes or rabbits near our garden, so I guess they avoid us because they know I am here. Pity.

So M is gardening and I am guarding. Which, in a garden like this, is demanding because there are so many sounds and smells  – human and feline – around us. It is guardening!