A thought on seafood

I love seafood. It has a delicious taste, a gorgeous smell and sometimes it is just lying there, on our beach! Whenever I go on holiday I try to taste new seafood  – I am happy to say that so far I tasted shrimps, squid, shells and all kinds of fish.

However, not all seafood is good. Like this. I tasted it once and it was absolutely horrible. Maybe this was because the thing had been dead for some time, but anyway I decided to move it from my bucket list. Only labradors eat horrible stuff like this.


I really like the taste of squid, but I prefer crabs above all things from the sea. Not the big ones, they are too crunchy.

Sea food1

I like the little ones, they are young and tender.

Little crabs are the best!

There is nothing like it! What is your favorite seafood?

Dog talk

In my previous post I mentioned that I had a serious conversation with my friend, Jip. This is what it looked like:

Talking it through

Some of my friends who weren’t there when this happened ask me what this was all about. What were we saying? Well, it was something like this:

“You are a mean bitch!”
You are a mean bitch!”
“Yes I am!”
“Me too!”
“You are right, you are a mean bitch!”
“Ha! We both are mean bitches!”
“Hell yeah.”
“We are two mean bitches!”
“Okay. That’s settled, then.”
“Yes it is.”
“Now what?”
“Let’s have some fun!”

And that is what we had, with the rest of our pack:




My all-inclusive holiday

I am back! I had a wonderful holiday with Nicoline and her pack of bandidos. The holiday was all-inclusive: food, snacks, beverages, a cosy place to sleep, a full activity program and lots of friends – all arranged for me! Awesome.

We went to the beach for hours:

Bubbles holiday1

I made new friends:


And settled old grudges with old friends:

Bubbles holiday2

No, I am not kidding, we are truly friends! We just needed to talk something through. Thoroughly.

Talking it through

After that, we had great fun together.

It was a very nice holiday. But I am glad to be back home with M and P. I have time to blog again! I hope you all had a good beginning of the new year as well. For me, this must become a wonderful year, starting this way.




Holiday with the bandidos

This new year started with a surprise for me. A not so good and a good surprise in one: M and P packed their bags and have gone on a holiday, without me. Not so good. I went to Nicoline to have my own holiday. Good.

You can see I have mixed feelings about this. But, as a dog, I usually think positive. You know me: always on the bright side. And I think my own holiday will turn out fine. Because I am not only with Nicoline, but with my favorite pack, too! The Bandidos! Boss is here, and Stitch and Swiff and a lot of other rough friends. We will have loads of fun. Chasing each other on the beach and all that.

Nicoline and friends

You won’t hear from me for some time, because being with the Bandidos is hard work. There won’t be any time for quiet writing. Sorry about that! I will tell you all about my adventures later. So long!


I hear humans wishing each other a happy new year. Well, I’d like to wish you the same, but I would like to add something to it. Because, you see, humans tend to overdo things. Especially when it comes to their idea of ‘happiness’.  They seem to think that happiness is something huge. They think they have to work hard for it to achieve it, that they can only be happy when they have lots of money and/or time.

A lot of humans are very busy with this pursuit of happiness. The sad thing is: they will never get it, not that way. Because happiness is not something huge to strive and work hard for. It is the opposite: it is very small. If you search for it you will never find it, because it is not to be found. It is already there, everywhere around you! You just have to look in the right places to find it, or more accurate: you have to feel it.

Just think about it: what has made you very happy in the past? I bet it was something small. Like a tasty dinner with a good friend. A walk in the park with the sun warming you. A hug from a relative you hadn’t seen for a while. Something you did with other humans, like laughing or singing or playing a game. Those things make you feel happy, right? They are not huge, they do not cost much and they can be enjoyed anytime, whether you are rich or poor, healthy or ill.

This is my top 3 of most happy things:

  1. Yummy food.
  2. Snoozing in the sun, after a nice long walk.
  3. Having a big or small adventure with M and P.

What is your top 3? Think about it and do it more, in 2016! Then you will truly have a happy new year.

I love mountains