Tag Archives: Monte Bianco

Pyjama nights

We are in the mountains again! Not just some mountains: we are in the highest part of the Alps, M tells me. We are camping at the roots of the Mont Blanc. That is an enormous mountain, topped with loads of ice and snow. The landscape is rough and so are the walks. I love running in rocky terrain, so I like it here. I do have to wait for M and P all the time, because they are slow. But I don’t mind, I am good at waiting.

Pijama nights 1

There is a downside to camping at the roots of mountains like this: the nights are very cold. I usually do not approve of clothing for dogs; I think humans are wrong to think we need clothes, since we are very well equipped to keep ourselves warm. We have fur, right? But in this case I am glad M brought me a pyjama, to keep me warm in the nights. My body is not made for icy mountain weather, so I kind of need this to get through the nights. It keeps me nice and warm, a bit like my snoozebag at home. Here we are, having breakfast in the freezing morning:

Pijama nights 2

However, as soon as the sun comes out it gets warm. So I get rid of my pyjama and lie basking in the warm sunlight. Nice.

Pijama nights 3