Tag Archives: famous dog

My own club

My fame is spreading! I am really proud to see they even named a beach club after me. My own club!

Awesome, don’t you think?

I was very pleased to see that they are serving the right stuff, too (the bowl of fresh bubbles with ice & a slice of lemon are out of view, on the floor).

Life is great!

Red carpet

I knew when I started blogging that I would become famous one day. I’m happy to see this became true – my blog has been read thousands of times and more than 100 humans and canines subscribe to The Bubbles Diaries. More than 100! That is an amazing figure, they won’t even fit into my house!

I think this is awesome. I always wanted to be a famous dog, you know. From the moment I left the shelter and knew Great Things were awaiting me. So I was rather pleased when we went to the beach yesterday and I saw that some very thoughtful fans had rolled out the red carpet for me. A red carpet onto my favorite beach! I don’t know who did it, but I’d like to say: thank you. You know what a celebrity needs!




Sorry you haven’t heard from me for a while. I have been very busy, there are so many things asking for my attention that I sometimes just forget to blog.

One of those things is that all of a sudden there are loads of new dogs trespassing my territory. I don’t know where they come from and I find it very disturbing. They do not come in groups, but walk one at a time with humans that are unknown to me too. Of course I growl at them, from my guarding point. That usually helps: they leave soon. Good. I am very capable to fight, I am a ferocious guarding dog. But as I explained earlier we dogs prefer not to fight, because the risks are very high. One could get hurt.


Anyway it is a mystery to me where all these dogs come from, so suddenly. Is it the nice spring air that makes humans adopt dogs? Has there been a baby boom? In that case one would see a lot of similar dogs of the same age and that is not true. Could it be that all these dogs and their humans read my blog and want to see for themselves where I live? Now that is a thought.

How flattering. But I really would prefer them to just read my blog and keep out of my territory, out of my street. Thank you.