Tag Archives: corona


The strange times aren’t over yet. My humans are still at home all the time, not going anywhere except when they go out for a walk or to do some running. In which case they always take me with them.

I like that, of course I do. But I do think they overdo it a bit. I mean: they do not just go out for a walk, they go out for a long walk. Not just sometimes, like in the old days, but all of the time. I like long walks, don’t get me wrong. But I also like to do a leisurely stroll sometimes. We do not do that anymore. And something else: it is not one long walk a day for me, because M and P go out separately. And they always take me with them.

As you can imagine, two long walks a day is a bit tiresome. Even for me, a fit and active dog. So I use my time at home wisely: I sleep. I find a spot with some sunshine and close my eyes. I do keep one ear open, always, to make sure I do not miss anything important. The sound of the fridge opening, for instance.

Sometimes, when I am asleep and M or P is calling me to come for yet another walk, I pretend I do not hear them. But then, after some hesitation, I do get up and go out with them. They need me.

Strange times

There is something very odd going on: M and P are at home a lot. They both work from home, so that is not unusual, but now they are here all the time. We only go out for walks. There is something else that is odd: there are a lot of humans going out for walks, all of the sudden. Usually we have the beach and the dunes near our house for ourselves, but now it can be pretty crowded. Not at all how it usually is:

M and P tell me there is a global virus outbreak and that is why they stay at home. A virus is some kind of very little animal and humans are extremely afraid that they will get bitten by this animal. Curious. This thing is so small, you can’t even see it. Let alone its teeth! How can that be dangerous? Human logic is often incomprehensible for us canines.

Anyway, I do not mind this new situation. On the contrary, I love it that M and P are home almost all of the time! The only downside is that I do not have any privacy anymore. I mean: I sometimes really need to be on my own, dogs need that too, you know. Now, capturing this me-time is not so easy. I can pretend I do not see them, but that does not work very well because they are here, all the time. That is slightly disturbing and I am still looking for a good solution. Can anyone give me some advice on how to do this?